Friday, January 22, 2016



Dear Veterans and Friends,                                                                                               

JANUARY   22,, 2015                                                                                                                                                               

We are pleased to invite your participation in our 1st Annual NAM JAMâ   with benefits proceeding the Vietnam Veterans of America, Henderson, and Boulder City Chapter 1076. Our organization is dedicated in helping provide support to our Veterans, disadvantaged Veterans and their families. We sponsor many Veteran programs at the Veterans Hospital, Veterans Homeless Shelter, perpetuate the memory of deceased Veterans their families, widows and the orphans of deceased veterans and the community.

This year, our 1st Annual NAM JAMâ  will be held Saturday, March 19, 2016, starting at 09:00 a.m. At Veterans Memorial Park in Boulder City Nevada
As we plan for this Patriotic and Charitable event, we appreciate your consideration of a contribution or sponsorship for this benefit. Sponsorships, donations or food products are welcome in any amount. Your sponsorship or donated goods will go a long way toward helping make this a memorable event. Donations In the range of $100 to $1,500 dollars, will place your name or organization in all press releases, appear on banners displayed the day of the event.

We are also seeking the donation of prizes to be used for our raffle, to take place at this Patriotic Celebration. Once again, all proceeds will directly benefit Veterans, their families, Veterans Homeless Shelters, the Southern Nevada Veteran Hospital and many Veteran programs and the community.

We thank you for consideration of a sponsorship, donation, or raffle item, and ask that you please complete the following and return it to us. Any questions that you may have, please contact our fund-raiser director,                                                                                       Robert Lough @ email or 702.306.5397 or                         Robert Serge @ email  or 702.715.0558 NamJam Chairman

On behalf of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Henderson, Boulder City Chapter 1076, we sincerely thank you for your generosity.                                                                                 YES, WE WANT TO HELP OUR VETERANS, THEIR FAMILIES AND VETERAN PROGRAMS

         My/Our sponsorship of the 1st Annual NAM JAMâ is enclosed.

         We will provide a raffle item. Please call to arrange pick-up.

         My/Our donation to Vietnam Veterans of America is enclosed.

NAME: ______________________________________  Phone: _______________

Business _________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

 City/State/Zip: ______________________________________

Please complete and return by mail to the address listed below. Make Checks payable to NamJam VVA 1076

Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.

                                                        Henderson, Boulder City  Chapter 1076                                                               
                                  VFW Post 3848 401 W. Lake Mead Pkwy, Henderson NV.89105                                             E-Mail      

   Phone Number 702.769.3541